Experience and Industry Certifications


I have experience with both software development and management of IT systems, servers, networks and storage systems. In the field of services and consulting, I worked as a software and infrastructure architect, technical designer and implementer. Experience from various IT areas is what is quite unique today.


Personally, I believe that theoretical knowledge and practical experience are more important than product certifications, however, since I have been involved in VMware virtualization technologies for over 15 years, I have invested my time in the VMware certifications.

In June 2015, I achieved the highest VMware technical certification (VCDX - VMware Certified Design Expert) for vSphere 5.

In 2018, I re-certified VCDX to vSphere 6.5 and in 2021 to vSphere 7. 

My VCDX number is 200.

You can find all details about VCDX certification at vcdx.vmware.com where is online directory of all VCDX certified experts across the world.

You can check and verify all my VMware certifications on-line at CREDLY


In my spare time I provide mentoring for VCDX candidates. I take this as my personal contribution to the VMware community, which is an integral part of the path not only to achieve VCDX certification, but mainly to continuous study and knowledge, which should be the main lifelong goal.

Below are few badges of various VMware certifications and milestones.